IEI domain
Type domains | |||||||
Alpha Quadra: | ILE | SEI | ESE | LII | |||
Beta Quadra: | EIE | LSI | SLE | IEI | |||
Gamma Quadra: | SEE | ILI | LIE | ESI | |||
Delta Quadra: | LSE | EII | IEE | SLI |
IEI Declaration

Ni - The Force: We shall see all.
Fe: We shall be all to all.
Si: We shall not brush our hair or wash the dishes. Only when we feel like it.
Te: We shall challenge your dowdy conventional ways--taxes don't really need to be filed!
Se: We shall go forth and conquer. Maybe.
Ti: We shall know all. Or atleast, we try.
Ne: We think opportunities are "okay" but the all-knowing Ni rules supreme. :D
Fi: We think saying please and thankyou is "okay" but your manipulative backstabbing is "bullshit."
IEI Subtypes
We are more awesome. But we really, really don't know how to do the dishes. ^_^
We get along better with people and are more sexxxy. <3
IEI Battle Plan
- IEI (Identical): Cry together. T_T It all starts here. Just let it out.
- LSI (Activator): Draw up battle plans.
- EIE (Mirror): Form an alliance.
- SLE (Dual): Capture and do naughty things...:o
IEI Awesomeness
- Firaga: not quite as cool as Firagagaga
- Brassards: are good for Nazis
- RPG: firagas go here
- Anime: ehhhh...
- Revolutionaries: yes and yes
Introvyrt Stryfe
Introvyrt stryfe is the term used for the culmination of various feelings that usually collect in introvert vessels. The most celebrated of these vessels are the INFp and ISFp. These types are irrational by nature and cry and scream with little to no provocation. They have the ability to be happy and sad at the same time, which confuses them intensely. Hence, this paradox is aptly named "Introvyrt stryfe"
The term was first recorded in March 2008 by a pair of super- INFp gangsters on wikisocion. This term has resounded a great gong in the heart of one Fe-ISFp, and will be propagated as such. The original posting can be found below.
- Kamangir
That's what's up. Represent all my IxFps in the struggle.
Introvyrt Stryfe Chronicles
some serious introvyrt stryfe going on here
wyrd. the intuityve ethycal introvyrt hood has sirius shyt goin down. all them other punk-ass ieis are too afraid to take some initiatyve. lyke they gon get raped or sum shyt. luckily the one and only Se-INFp busted some caps in this mofugga n started shyt
stay strong, live long, introvyrt tyme, introvyrt RHYME
thats wuts up. stay crunchy,
all ya.. introynet posers.. fryggin snow n shitz yo.. lyjk.. lyk why don't you go out and get a job.. find a gyrlfriend.. you fat ass virgins fakkin jerking off to some soceoniks shayt
IEI Read You (Like a Book)
ILE: Often found doing random handstands off in the corner. Also inclined to write a treatise on the meaning of life in the form of one continuous paragraph.
LII: Masterminds. Brilliant logic paired with a seeming inability to avoid running into walls tickles us in all the right places.
ESE: When not busy rushing around doing nothing, we get along fairly well. For some reason, they continue to ask us for advice, even if we never seem to be able to solve anything in particular.
SEI: Easiest type with which to kick up one's heels and relax. Strive to do nothing 24/7.
SLE: Say whatever they wish. Then we say whatever we wish. Then we console each other. Sort of.
LSI: Attention to detail is second to none. Often spotted singing a cappella versions of "Let's Get Physical" wearing little more than a housecoat.
EIE: Always busy performing to a crowd or grooming various appendages. Sometimes both. Love to have others heed their semi-developed warnings of things to come.
IEI: Mind Link 101. Most compatible type for discussing every episode of Season 1 of the X-Files.
SEE: Good conversationalists. Engaged in about twenty different tasks at any specific moment, few to none of which will be followed through to completion. (This coming from an IEI...)
ESI: Tendency to keep most everything inside, unless provoked. In this regard, quite easy to get along with. Also, have the work ethic of a Clydesdale.
LIE: Love controlling as much of the external environment as possible. Thought processes are, at times, suspect. Hard type to constructively talk with, since conversation only flows in one direction.
ILI: Extremely nimble minds which reach similar conclusions due to identical sensory input. Predisposed to mooching other people's food/liquor without hesitation or reciprocation.
IEE: Remind us of ourselves after a half dozen Red Bull. Able to converse about all of the pertinent topics and still squeeze in something about that new pair of stilettos. We would still prefer to drive, however.
EII: Hard to comprehend their motives in life, but equally interesting people with whom to really sit down and talk about things. Proof-reading their work is like trying to put a puzzle together without knowing what it's supposed to look like (i.e., difficult).
LSE: Interesting people from afar. Since they reach completely opposite conclusions in every arena, closer interaction can be highly experimental. Nice people if you fit the proper agenda.
SLI: The other type with which to relax like there's no tomorrow. Usually databanks on sports statistics and various other esoteric endeavors. Not inclined to offer up free advice, which we find most endearing.
Type domains | |||||||
Alpha Quadra: | ILE | SEI | ESE | LII | |||
Beta Quadra: | EIE | LSI | SLE | IEI | |||
Gamma Quadra: | SEE | ILI | LIE | ESI | |||
Delta Quadra: | LSE | EII | IEE | SLI |