EIE domain
Our EIE section suffers from a lack of . In layman's terms, we write way too much and do not know how to condense it down. We are doing our best and thank you for your consideration.
Type domains | |||||||
Alpha Quadra: | ILE | SEI | ESE | LII | |||
Beta Quadra: | EIE | LSI | SLE | IEI | |||
Gamma Quadra: | SEE | ILI | LIE | ESI | |||
Delta Quadra: | LSE | EII | IEE | SLI |
SECTION O: A Short Overlook of Model A.
Program function
You easily see and determine your own and others’ expressions. For you, everyone is driven by emotions and charging others with your enthusiasm is easier than convincing with cold logic. You can also probably take on different personas. EIEs exchange energy with others and create an engaging atmosphere.
Creative function
You try to see the big picture, possible future developments, even improbable or odd ones. Your imagination runs wild. You can imagine other worlds, other realities, which you may impart on those around you. However, too much and you revert into yourself.
Role function
On the first meeting, you either appear serious or a complete goofball. You can take on a serious persona, but it brings no joy to your life and you eventually look for a way to express your feelings. You can be logical and productive, but only when you are in the mood for it. In general, getting others to do work for you is fairly easy and may get you in the mood for work.
PoLR function
Anyone who asks you to watch their house for an extended period of time is out of their mind or does not know you. You can be or try to be an aesthete, but in wacky and non-standard ways. Generally, your place of residence devolves into a subterranean cavern. Any biodegradeables in your surroundings will eventually support life.
Dual-Seeking function
You love to theorize, but organization is not your cup of tea. The subjects of politics, philosophy, natural sciences excite you, but you have problems sticking to one area for a long stretch of time. You ultimately seek a universal truth which you can impart on the world.
Hidden Agenda
You feel you can do anything, but usually get nothing done. People follow you not because of your confidence, but because of your enthusiasm in your vision. Ideally, you need someone to give you a kick in the ass to get things done and stay on track.
Limiting function
There are a plethora of people hovering around you, none of which you really know all that well. When in the moment, you have a tendency to say stupid or rude things, which you may regret later on or not, depending on your views and the situation. Morality is something you practice by yourself and having it dictated to you bores you. You are good at telling the status of a relationship, and when something is right or wrong, but you usually ignore such things.
Demonstrative function
Goofy ideas are all good and well, but, in the end, your potential is decided by you. You would rather focus on the future and what is to come because a) not all goofy ideas are useful and b) in the future, you may encounter an obstacle greater than your current abilities, so why not improve your potential now? Generally, innovations are something you pursue on your own.
SECTION 1: Let's Get This Ball Rolling
The point of the following section is to explain some EIE traits which often leave people baffled. Additonally, EIEs (not always being accepted as their natural selves) have an easy time getting into and playing a role. Life experiences and attitudes vary extremely among the people of this type. The EIE is a type which looks EXTREMELY different from the outside and from the inside. The aggressively cheerful talkative EIE usually seem to hide a contemplative inner self which questions everything and is never just happy and relaxed. This EIE domain could help people get a better understanding of who EIEs really are and how they think, as well as type themselves.
The EIE in a lyrical nutshell

- And I keep right on changing for the better or the worse
- Searching for a shrine I have never found
- Never knowing if believing is a blessing or a curse
- Or if the going up was worth the coming down
- I'm a poet, I'm a picker, I'm a prophet, I'm a pusher
- I'm a pilgrim and a preacher and a problem that can't be solved
- I'm a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction
- Envisioning dreams, greater purposes, and all of the unknown
- I've tasted good and evil, in your bedrooms and your bars
- And I've traded-in the present for my future
- Running from my devils Lord, reaching for the stars
- Finding love along the way.
// Altered lyrics courtesy of ScarlettLux, based on He's a Pilgrim by Kris Kristofferson, featured in the brilliant Scorsese film : Taxi Driver
The Face of Tragedy
If our kindred, the ESEs, can be interpretted as The Face of Greek Comedy, then the EIEs are The Face of Greek Tragedy. While not entirely accurate, it is a fitting analogy. EIEs are dramatic and purpose-driven, even if they are quiet or shy. Feeling emotions for the sake of the moment is possible (and indeed very likely) with an EIE, but we will always look towards the future. A victory leads to further battles, a defeat requires reuniting one's forces and restrengthening the defenses. Joy at victory is great, if momentary and as a moral boost; grief and depression over a loss are understandable, if they lead to the ironing of one's will. For as long as you are alive, the enemy can be vanquished.
The metaphor to war is not without reason. EIEs seek engagement, a cause to fight for. Peace and relaxation are not for them, the ending of conflict would be a nightmare for the EIE. If the EIE sees peace around him, he may be determined to become the cause of chaos, using what we see as the weaknesses of peaceful society. In our minds, taking on the world is always desirable since it would provide us with an infinite amount of foes to combat. Stratievskaya's EIE descirption lists an attraction to military uniforms as one of the qualities of the EIE.
For all our gunfire, shrapnel, and the lure of adventure, inside we are quite tragic individuals. We rarely like things as they are. If the center of attention, we feel pressured to be the best and realize that we may not measure up to the task. Hence, we shrink away from the spotlight, just to surge to the center once more when we do not like the direction something is going. Confidence is something we value in an individual, even someone we disagree with. Often, we may think that we are a product of past times, as if we do not belong in the current, peaceful era. We may look to history or fantasy for the heroic figures and glorious battles that we so desperately need.
As a substitute for struggle, toying with others is really fun. EIEs create their moods, more so than some of the other types. We generally tend to behave how those surrounding us expect us to behave. We may keep these appearances for a long time, especially if we join two circles that otherwise do not interact. Members of each circle will think differently of us, depending, in large part, on how they wish to see us. Few people in general know the true face of the EIE, and not all of those close to us necessarily do. It is not that we do not like people or do not want friends; most EIEs just have standards.
First impression
EIE in a good mood is nice and friendly and talkative. Asks many questions, talks whenever the group is silent for too long. Can't handle awkward silence and will say just about anything to end it. This is when they say things that give no information and don't make much sense. But it will serve a purpose as other people will start talking again. They often add short comments when they don't have anything else to say. They can easily make compliments, but those often sound like general impressions of things. "That dress... very cute! :D" or ":) Your speech was very... umm... I liked it very much and people were soooo intensely listening.". That's because emotions are often not easy to express with words. Using full sentences is not important to express the emotion. EIEs add emotive phrases, both in real-life conversations and in forum posts and blogs. "Nice!:)", "...ummm...", "heeeey", "you'know", etc.
In a bad or average mood EIEs just look very contemplative and serious. EIEs look a bit sad, because they are. One possible explanation to the sad look is that everything they see is just a fraction of what it could be. Everything could have been better if they had just worked harder on it! Everything that we are doing could already be better if we hadn't made any mistakes during the process. Everything that we have done could have been better and everything that we will do could be better. And if we don't do anything, we're wasting time.
In addition, EIEs are really good at getting into roles and acting like the ones surrounding them want to act. At times, the EIE themselves will not notice this change and may even find it strange or awkward when it is commented on. If EIEs grow up around very tough-minded or moral individuals, they may play the role chosen for them for a number of years, all the while acting differently when the stern individuals are not present. This may be reflected in parents or old friends constantly telling you that you were an angelic child and look what's become of you. While it is true that EIEs cannot stand a long or awkward break in the conversation, years of conditioning may have taught them to tolerate or even appreciate silence. EIEs are also not necessarily outwardly happy or cheery. They can be almost always serious or detached, and may require outward stimuli to relax or loosen up. EIEs perceive the world as constantly changing, oftentimes for the worse. Therefore, society needs a mood killer so that people can finally focus on the problems.
Regardless, an EIE can be identified by his relationships. EIEs have few truly close friends, with whom they share everything. Their default mood or state most likely reflects their parents ideal of a child. Few people can handle their full intensity and those with weaker constitutions tend to back away. An EIE can act in many different ways, but are usually willing to sell their soul for a friend to dump their problems on, I mean, share the load with.
Random EIE tidbits
- EIEs need feedback. Always. If there's no feedback, there's no point in talking. This is why forums are preferred over blogs and why instant messaging is even better and why talking in person is the best form of communication. (This is one of the few things on this page I agree with--Jadae 04:46, 6 January 2008 (GMT)) As an addendum: talking face-to-face is the best because we cannot see others' expressions over telephone wires. Feedback is good and we certainly appreciate it, but we can be happy talking to ourselves or just having someone listen. As long as we can see emotional reactions, we're happy. Also explains why we can be so overjoyed telling people about the more crappier experiences of our lifetime.
- Other people see us as happy cheerful people, but we usually feel very serious in a gloomy world. We can briefly show large amounts of happy emotions just to get better feedback from others, but we still over think, over plan everything, never relax, etc. Showing happiness briefly has nothing to do with our inner state of mind. It's our attempt to make ourselves happier. Laughing for a little while in a bad mood takes a lot of energy, but once someone else smiles in a positive way, we get the energy back. And if the short display of happiness leads to a fast-paced conversation, we'll get enough energy to keep us going for hours or even days. (EIEs can also laugh at bad or horrendous situations. Cause crying is for sissies! Laughing at misery is a way of getting over it. EIEs can be described as morbid.)
- We just can't relax. There's always one more thing to do. The world keeps moving so how can we just sit and let it move past us. We sometimes pretend to be relaxing, but actually we're just trying to distract ourselves from all the thoughts about what we should be doing. Once we stop, we start feeling lazy. Well obviously when we're not getting things done, we're lazy people, right? And even when we have been very active for a long time and we take a well-deserved break, we think about the plans we have for the next day or the next week or next year. The hardest time could be 2 days after the end of a huge project. Suddenly all the small tasks that have been postponed come back to haunt. All the things that were postponed til "after I'm finished with the project and when I'm not so busy anymore" are suddenly remembered. Now is the time to be doing those things, but the project has been tiring so there's no energy to be doing things like that yet.
- Procrastination is not relaxing. Procrastination is just another way of describing the state where we can't do anything because we don't know what the end result will be. Or we know we can never achieve anything near perfection no matter how much we try. We postpone doing things we can't excel at. Addendum: we do not procrastinate. It just takes our
much longer to organize and plan out our actions. When we do nothing, we are thinking and planning. The opposite, when we act without complete pre-planning, depending on our level of previous exposure to and incorporation of
, we tend to either lose confidence at an inopportune moment, need extensive rewrites, re-edits, or redos, or ace it, annihilating the competition in the dust.
- EIEs like to believe in themselves. And can talk about themselves in the third person :) Mistakes or failures are mulled over and come back to haunt us years later, when hardly anybody remembers the insignificant incident anymore. Failures also stem from a lack of organization, planning, or confidence.
Strengths of EIEs
- We notice more facial expressions than most people know exist! :)
- We take the mindset of whoever we think we are. I suppose many historical brave heroes were EIE - they saw themselves as brave heroes so they acted like brave heroes! They were able to do things that no one in their right mind would willingly do and they even had the humble attitude "I'm not a hero, I'm just a regular person" because heroes who know they're heroes are just self-centered jerks. :) (think [|Johnny Bravo]).
- We don't sit still, so we get stuff done. (Note: EIEs often appear irrational and, from the outside, may not actually get anything done. However, we are always working, always doing something, and we usually see a point in whatever we do.)
- Us EIEs can generate quickly the inherent potential in others; we can also envision one's needs and deeper intent through the emotional expression of people we take fond notice to. With the exception of some EIEs, many of us get the core of our intrinsic motivation through being an impact, a catalyst of change in another person.
Weaknesses of EIEs
- Again, we take the mindset of whoever we think we are. Insults are therefore twice as hard to take. Imagine the worst insult you've got and now try to imagine that it changed the reality. Everyone you've ever met has noticed this too, whoever smiled at you in a weird way were trying to suppress laughing at this fault that you have...
- We over think things. We can't just start doing things if we are not sure it leads us to where we want to go. It takes many times as much willpower to go to the library when we're not sure it's open! Most people would say that a person can never be sure about anything and this leads us to the weakness part - EIE can't predict the future either. So often the end result is unclear and the EIE has a problem getting started. "Just start doing it, you'll find out more later", makes sense but what if we find out it was all pointless?
- We have a hard time being verbally accurate. Especially true for visually thinking EIEs. If the sentence results with the same image, it doesn't matter what words were used. Kristiina 21:38, 6 February 2008 (GMT)
- Our weak
makes it hard for us to get things done. We may start a project only to drift off into doing something else 15 minutes later, when our mood changes.
Conclusions about EIE traits
There are so many different kinds of EIE that even other EIEs find them difficult to type. Their behavior depends on their mood and their mood and view of life depends on their upbringing. This is why EIEs can range from serious, sad and contemplative to extremely energetic and goofy happy. Their type traits can be extremely difficult to spot, hidden beneath their own self image.
SECTION 2: EIE and dichotomies.
Extroverted (opposite: Introverted)
I'm unsure if socionics uses the "o" version or the "a" version of the words. (I believe it is the "a" version, but I did not set up this section so why do I care?)
Anywho, extroverts have a high level of energy and introverts have a low level of energy. Extroverts may find it hard to sit still or lie down without doing anything. It can also be a problem when going to bed. An introvert (I have watched this) can lie stiff as a board for two minutes and fall asleep. I have to be physically exhausted and I still might be bouncing off the walls.
Intuitive (opposite: Sensing)
Easy to spot the difference but difficult to describe.
The description: Truthfully dichotomy differences are almost meaningless in socionics. That's because "sensing" types have four different ways that sensing manifests itself. Thus, in broad strokes, we EIEs, with in our Ego see situations not as they are, but as they will develop.
in the Ego block would see situations as what they can become,
as what they would want them to become, and
as what they are. (EIEs are weak or even weakest with
so I actually don't know how
sees the world.) We EIEs are also very imaginative and can have big inner worlds, full of imagination.
Ethical (opposite: Logical)
You can't say we're not thinking or that we're not logical. We do have complex thoughts and we do use superb logic! :D We just decide things with our gut feeling, not based on dry factual data. We get a feeling if something would be a good idea and we act accordingly. "We get a feeling" is the key phrase here. Everything around us has been evaluated already, everything has been described with many adjectives. We use those evaluations to make decisions. Ethics and those evaluations are not more subjective than logic. Logical types also decide which "fact" to use in their thought process. We just use impressions in stead of quantifiable facts and we compare the strengths of "feeling", e.g. pie is very good, but ice cream is also good and requires less effort, so I want ice cream. Usually each decision-making consists of combining many feelings to create the best outcome. And us ethical typed are just better at quantifying our emotions towards things. Sometimes it makes things difficult because we are trying to compare many quantified conflicting ideas - "but I could make a cherry pie (excellent), but I could put cherries on ice cream (very good and easy)". We get confused with all the different feelings and turn helplessly to a Logical type who just randomly says, "pie", and solves a huge problem. :D
Another thing that Ethical implies is that we're people oriented. We understand human emotions better than Logical types and we have a wider range of vivid emotions. Lifeless objects don't respond to us, we need people. We need to feel them near us, and we need to see them reflecting our emotions. It might be different for types, but this is EIE domain so it doesn't matter.
KA says: No, we can see the mood that certain lifeless objects create and can be fine with them. Ethics types are people oriented, but we like to think about how people interact with each other and with their surroundings (I tried to combine both and
viewpoints.) Ultimately, as EIEs (
leading function) we make decisions based on our moods. When we say "I don't want to," we really mean "I don't feel like it." We can be quite irrational because we might not be able to work even though we need to work. Since we feed off our the mood of our environment, the best thing to do when you need to work is to go to a working environment. Preferably a working environment where people won't slack off, otherwise we might break from our working mood again.
Judging (opposite: Perceiving)
EIEs see the entire world through . As
is used to describe objects (not interactions between objects), we use a lot of descriptive evaluative words for single events, people, objects, stories etc. This means that we evaluate an event, not how it compares to other events. "This New Year's event was FUN!...Yesterday was boring" or we describe people, "She is cool... They are stupid.", we don't say "New Year's event was fun to me", because it serves no purpose. If we felt it was fun, then "fun" is automatically a trait that associates with new year's event. The same with people - We say someone is cool, we don't bother to say that they felt cool to us. Cool becomes a trait which describes that person (which is the "object" in this case). We gather information with
and evaluate it with
Judging types are typically pretty predictable and somewhat rigid. We like the world to fit our expectations for it. We still don't like routine, like MBTI judging types, but we don't like the unexpected, because everything has to be evaluated. We can't evaluate something we don't know anything about. Judging types are all the types who have a judging function (Logic/Ethics) as their first function.
KA says: the two dichotomies are rational/irrational. Judging and perceiving is not commonly used because people can automatically associate it with MBTI. Rationals (which I guess is the equivalent of Judging types) evaluate the world through definite means (moods, efficiency, morality, logic and organization, etc.) Irrationals evaluate everything in terms of possibilities, future development, inner sensation, or desire. We EIEs have a have a hard time switching between the different rational elements and may seem very irrational. This is a personal recollection taken from Filatova's book "The Art of Understanding Yourself and Others" which I, for reasons which will become obvious, will shorten, paraphrase, and attempt to translate. First, a short summary: a guy asks his friend to help him bake a cake. "As I was baking, he set up a table, carried a chair from the living room, got a newspaper as well, and proceeded to read it. Then, he began to cut out various clippings and pinned them to the doors and shelves of the kitchen cabinets. When I finished baking the first crust, which turned out to be a perfect circle, he took it and pinned it to the cabinet door." This guy is an EIE. He is rational, but he cannot get out of his mood, which is necessary for him to help his friend. Our predictability lies in perceiving our mood and what we intend to do about it. Around someone bad at perceiving moods, we may appear irrational or unwilling to work. We also are not particularly thorough. We will stop when our mood changes, not before or after. It usually is also hard for us to change our own mood. In the upper example, if you are an EIE, you might have understood what the guy was doing: he was trying to get himself in the mood for work. As an EIE, you may not be able to stick to any schedule or routine because you are powered by your feelings. At the same time, if you coordinate your feelings, you may be able to crawl through hell, up to heaven, back down to earth and still have enough energy to take on a World Champ. EIEs cannot constantly work, unless they constantly feel like working. Even if they constantly feel like working, they may not constantly work because they will pump out assignments faster than a firehose on coke. For an EIE, half a week in a working mood may be enough to clear the docket for the next month in any company, but once he slacks off, don't count on anything getting done. Similarly, an EIE may not be able to read more than fifteen pages at a time until he blows through three eight hundred page books in two days. That's without skimming, which I never learned to do. (Note: since I do not always agree with the additional reinin dichotomies, I will not add any more to section 3.)
Reinin Dynamic (opposite: Static)
EIEs see everything changing. ALL THE TIME! Our friends drifting further from us, then closer to us. We see our dreams coming closer to reality, we see spring turning into summer and summer into fall. Nothing ever stays the same. The world is a huge mix of changing processes. For example, we see people finishing their coffee, not DRINKING is (as a state of being) we see they are emptying the mug. It was full, now it's half full and soon it's empty. It's a constantly changing state. Our creative function Ni is associated with the flow of time, and I feel like it makes EIEs many times more dynamic than Si types. We are negativist, so the changes we see are usually bad ones. “Things are getting worse, I know it, I can see it!” and we are proactive EJ, so we take the charge before things get too bad.
The stories we tell are full of process descriptions - Something occurring. We use verbs that don't have a direct object: "went", "made", "brought", "settled", "cheered themselves", "cried a little"). Also the stories have only a glimpse of time and many interveining time-flows. "Then I saw my friend Jim, did I tell you Jim lost his job recently? ... anyway... I saw him and we had coffee together in that new cafeteria, the one that was opened a year ago, it's improved a lot since then! And Jim told me that..." :D :) That's a trait mostly associated with Fe types, but that makes sense too - all Fe types are either EJ or IP which means they're all dynamic types. When Te types (also all dynamic) tell a story, they also get some interveining story-lines, but they sound more monotonous so it just seems like one long story that has no end.
KA says: I said I wouldn't and feel it's wrong to change or delete items written by others, but all those verbs have direct objects. Not using direct objects is another thing in its entirety.
Reinin Asker (opposite: Declarer)
EIEs are always asking questions. “What’s that?”, “What do you mean?”, “You mean, you really listen to rock?!”. We ask questions when we want to find out something and when we just don’t know what to say. “Yeah… but why does this happen?”. When we start telling a story when often begin with a question, “hey, did anyone see that new action movie? …because I saw it and I liked it a lot.” Askers are very appreciated in dialogue because we keep the conversation going. Two askers just bounce questions off each other, “You think so?””yeah, you?”.”yeah, but why?””oh because she said so, how about you?” :) Yeah we use interrogative intonations and our statements sound like questions! And we answer questions with questions. Sometimes even with the same question - "Will you be there?"-"Who? I? I'll be there!" :D Typical EIE thing.
Reinin Careless (opposite: Farsighted)
EIE can plan all they want in the long run, but when it comes to doing real stuff they make decisions on the go. There are so many possible things that can happen next so why ruin the fun with all that contemplation - just do what seems to make the most sense. This approach isn't good for chess and I don't know any EIEs who really enjoy chess. :) (perhaps I just haven't met them). Observe EIEs - for a little while they try to take it easy and plan their next action, but a bit later they just break, they think, "F*ck it! I just wanna have fun!" and stop trying to plan. Like for example when playing pool, in the beginning the EIE might try to keep their eye on the white ball and plan what ball to hit next, but then their plan gets ruined (some other ball moves in the way) and they see there's no point in planning! That's when EIE just chats with the other player, taunts them, and then realizes, "ooh, my turn?! COOL! Mhh, I think I'll hit the RED one! Yes! The red one!". The plan just flies out the window in no time! That's why EIEs are called Careless!
Reinin Constructivism (opposite: Emotivism)
Reinin Obstinacy (opposite: Compliance)
Reinin Merry (opposite: Serious)
Reinin Process(opposite: Result)
Reinin Resolute (opposite: Reasonable)
Reinin Strategist (opposite: Tactic)
Reinin Negativism (opposite: Positivism)
IT IS ALL BAAAAD! :o This won't work and that will fail and I knew it wouldn't work out! When something in incomplete, we see the faults it has. We try to avoid the potential future problems and when the problems have already arisen, we notice them and try to fix the problems. When we review things, there's always a "but" - "The decorations are very nice, but won't this start collecting dust?" (PS! notice how it's in the form of questions, in stead of "but it will start collecting dust", see "Reinin asker"). Negativists use negative sentence structures - "I can't say I agree", "There are no clouds today!". When they give instructions, it's just a list of "what not to do", warnings and suggestions what to avoid.
EIEs work very hard to avoid one disaster after another. First we have the Ni which can not avoid making forecasts of what might happen, second we have the negativism which tells us plenty of possible future problems and third we have the proactive EJ temperament which tells us that we have to do something about it! So we go around trying to convince people of the right way to do things. "no, stop! Don't leave the plate there, someone might accidentally pull it on the floor and it will break!", "no-no-no, don't leave the computer on when we go out. Seems like there could be lightning...". And so we keep having those slightly paranoid forecasts. Okay-okay, I will admit that all EIEs aren't like that. Some are quite lighthearted and like having fun. They see what might go wrong but they don't freak out over it. They knowingly ignore it.
As odd as it sounds, EIEs still believe in the greater future. Things are horrible, yes, but things can always get better! This is why EIEs keep moving forward - to get to the better future. In that future everything is perfect and all the flaws that we see right now will be fixed. And it is up to us to make sure that the flaws will be fixed - that's why EIEs can't sit still for long. We have to see things improving.
Reinin Aristocracy (opposite: Democracy)
We are all a part of a group. Many groups. Everyone is, whether they know it or not. Group criteria can be anything: professional, the floor people live on, age, nationality, place of residence etc. The group we belong to affects us, as it does with everyone else. Old people act like old people, and artists have an artists approach to life. You can't be in opposing groups - you're either young or old, "You are either with us or against us", you can't take actions against the group you belong to. Capitalist artist sounds like an oxymoron. Then the person will be in group artist, subgroup capitalist. And we can always make more subgroups and sub-subgroups. We have room for everyone in your grouping system. Aristocrats use phrases like "group", "typical representative", "ours", "all [insert group] are [insert quality]" (e.g. all ISTjs are cool!).
EIEs are aristocratic when we describe a person to our friends: (groups indicated in brackets) "He's (smart but lazy), (over 30 years old), very (active), (well dressed), clothing style is very (formal), and he's really (nice) to talk with". And that says quite a lot. Democrats would take this information at face value, but us aristocrats will make a combined image of the groups. We will assume he rarely slouches at home in front of the television because he's active. And that's also not likely behavior for formal people. Lazy kind of contradicts active, but "lazy" just says that he's naturally smart, but doesn't work too hard to become smarter. Also we can assume that if he's active, formal, well dressed and nice, he probably has a corporate job. At least this is the question we might ask next - what job does he have? - because that would pinpoint the group belonging much better.
We also like to describe ourselves according to our groups. I might casually add "I'm a university student!". For democrats, the comment about being a university student is quite pointless. It just describes the "job", but nothing else. But for aristocrats it's an indicator that the person is still living a young free life, probably likes to go out on the town and probably drinks beer. ;) Aristocrat who likes to sit at home, never drinks, etc wouldn't identify very well with the "university student" group and she will more likely describe herself avoiding those words. She might say she studies in the university, but will quickly change the topic so no one thinks she's one of the beer-drinking university students! :) You can also hear aristocrats defining the more accurate group: "I'm a university student, but I mostly hang out with older people." - not like that has anything to do with being in the university, right? :)
If You've Had Enough of the Theory Regurgitation
Section for EIE issues, or issues in general, that do not directly deal with dichotomies or function manifestations or overview of behavior or anything that you would not consider entirely vital for people just interested about EIEs.
Pleasing EIEs
It seems to me that EIEs, with all their different personalities and attitudes, are unique when it comes to pleasure. Specifically, what are some of the more concrete ways to please EIEs?
According to socionics, every type is pleased when their Super-Id functions are commended and irritated when their Super-Ego functions are mentioned. The PoLR ( for EIEs) is the most irritable, the role function does not like being overtly criticized, the suggestive loves any comments, and the hidden agenda likes being mentioned, but is not deemed absolutely necessary. However, what does this all mean?
Lets start with dislikes. EIEs do not like people mentioning or commenting on their taste, choice of clothing, or decorations in their living quarters. Mostly, it's not your business. Get over yourself. Small minute details are also not truly appreciated. We do not care about the color of our eyes, unless the way it is said reveals your emotions or imagination (Ego block, and I may incorrectly link with imagination.) Commenting on beauty (our own or someone else's) also does not lie well with us. We often have unusual tastes and are viable to disagree with you. Besides, when it is directed at us (you're beautiful, you look nice, that watch really matches your nose piercings,) we see it as blatant pandering. Chores are also not big with us, and you quietly helping us with them would probably receive a positive review.
is more complex. Like LIEs, EIEs also absorb large amounts of information, but unlike LIEs, we do not employ this information per se. It is used as a random tidbit that is interesting on its own and can be used if the right situation comes along. We like knowledge and information, but rote memorization does not lie well with us, unless we are interested in the material. If we attach an emotional component to anything, we are that more likely to succeed at it. However, we probably will not enjoy others telling us to be productive if they do nothing themselves and simply order others around. Silently working together with us is the best way to go, next to simply discussing ideas and sharing various smidgets of knowledge.
That is in fact what pleases us most: intellectualizing. People willing to just sit and ruminate on life or scrutinize new theories are so rare that we jump at the opportunity to do so. From personal experience, some of my best friends have been my professors (really helps out your grade when the guy giving it to you is on your speed dial.) Calmly sitting and discussing and idea, area, practice, or theory with us is the greatest gift you can give. EIEs may think of other people as more materialistic then they are themselves.
On the issue of , EIEs like confidence and are fond of those that can go staright for the throat, but an over fascination with power dynamics and influence does not lie well with us. As always, we can play the part, and may even focus on it too much at times, but it tends to turn us off. In this regard, we would like someone who was confident in arguing against us, but on a logical and not an inner emotional/moral level. Guidance is appreciated; manhandling less so.
Gift Ideas
What are some of the things you would like to receive, as an EIE? What kind of material objects would stimulate ,
, or
- Private notebooks -(AKA diarys) great for writing down, organizing, coalescing one's thoughts and feelings
- Meditation CDs (Hemisync etc.) -respite to a rich
dimension filled with inspiring senses ideally prepared by a professional
Type domains | |||||||
Alpha Quadra: | ILE | SEI | ESE | LII | |||
Beta Quadra: | EIE | LSI | SLE | IEI | |||
Gamma Quadra: | SEE | ILI | LIE | ESI | |||
Delta Quadra: | LSE | EII | IEE | SLI |