LII domain
Feel free to add personal experience, just separate the texts so that it is known a different user is commenting on a different experience/viewpoint
Introverted Logic 
We are always analyzing things, oftentimes in a way that is too esoteric or fast to share. For example, during interactions with other people I am always analyzing the socionic functions they are outputting, and when it comes to the actual conversation I don't have much to say except nod my head and go "mhhmm." We appreciate it if others ask for our judgement on matters, ask us to describe a concept, or help them to make a decision. However, we desire to fully extrapolate the issue but often worry that others will judge us for this because we will be seen as taking the matter to seriously. For this reason, we might not fully describe things to other people even though we wish to. We can help to clarify other people's thought processes but will only do it if we think that they want us to. Redundant information bores us, and sometimes when we nod our head in agreement to a (in their view) complex idea we get the feeling that we don't truly believe they trust that we understand the idea. WE DO UNDERSTAND, almost always in a way that is more truthful than others will. -Dionysus
When I'm not thinking about or analyzing things, I'm thinking about or analyzing the act of thinking about or analyzing things. Sometimes I get caught in recursive layers of metathinking and have to forcibly (figuratively) "shake" myself back into the here and now. I've also long been of the opinion that I'm capable of understanding anything; I just need to find the right hooks into my existing understandings so that it can all "click" into place. If there's something I don't understand, it can really bother me, and I tend to pester people (as nicely as possible) until I can find the information I'm missing to make it all click. Like Dionysus, I tend to keep a lot of my thoughts and insights to myself unless I know others would be receptive to them. Most of the time I simply observe and silently analyze.
- Xzing
I definitely agree with Xzing on having the idea that I am capable of understanding, it's just the process of relating a concept to other known concepts that can sometimes be slow. If something takes me a long time to understand then when I finally do usually I will see it as obvious, and if it was a concept being taught in school or something I will tend to blame the teacher/book for not explaining it correctly in the first place. I used to consistently analyze my thoughts but I dropped that habit after "brain-training" self improvement that taught control of thoughts.
Extroverted Intuition 
Self improvement, talent, and potential interests us a great deal. I often speculate about idealized circumstances, like "what if everybody knew about socionics?" We can gauge people's skills, interests, and ability relatively well and can help assist them in maximizing their potential (if they wish). Our humor is often based on the juxtaposition of ideas, silliness, and goofiness - or making fun of/over-exaggerating the worth of a person. When I say juxtaposition of ideas there exists an intellectual connotation, but often this isn't the case. -Dionysus
I've always had a rather easy time seeing things from multiple perspectives at once, and I find myself understanding others by rapidly piecing together their Weltanschauung and viewing the things they do/say from within it. I tend to see possibilities and potential much more readily in ideas than people, or perhaps this is just where I prefer to expend energy. My humour often consists of me instantly extrapolating a wide array of possible approaches to a situation, picking the most ridiculous one, and suggesting it in a completely deadpan manner. Contrary to the Ne description, I do enjoy pursuing ideas for their own sake, and am strongly attracted to the Surreal and Absurd precisely because they defy simple explanations and categorizations. My Ti can churn for days contemplating possible implications and understandings of, say, a David Lynch film, and often I generate some unexpected and profound insights and connections for completely unrelated ideas through this process.
- Xzing
"My humour often consists of me instantly extrapolating a wide array of possible approaches to a situation, picking the most ridiculous one, and suggesting it in a completely deadpan manner." Me too! I've been known to be able to keep a straight face while telling a ridiculous joke.
Introverted Ethics 
I often become hyper aware of saying things like "please" and "thank you" when I meet a new person, I've read that we often overdo these conventions and I would be inclined to agree. I feel semi-confident in understanding my feelings as well as well as the subjective distance in a relationship, but I don't know how to influence this distance and I don't feel comfortable talking about my feelings. -Dionysus
I'm known for saying "sorry" for things that could not possibly be attributable to me. I also can't have any feelings without subjecting them to rigorous analysis, and thus effectively eliminating them. Kind of a quantum physics-like dilemma.
- Xzing
Extroverted Sensing 
Fighting, aggression, and confrontations are things we simply wished didn't exist. I am often not even confident in stupid matters like positioning myself in a standing group of people (though this doesn't happen often and I don't want to over exaggerate the problem). I try to view people based on their potential and not their "power" or "authority." I also can't really or don't want to be tough, aggressive, or scary. The few times where I involved myself in a physical conflict I took it way over the edge and fully attacked the other person. -Dionysus
I'm super non-competitive, and prefer to find compromises and cooperation in all conflict situations. If that cannot happen, I will back down and swallow whatever slights I've incurred, seeing any annoyance as "just an emotion" which can be easily suppressed. I'd much rather take a punch to the face than give one. Not that I speak from experience...
- Xzing
Extroverted Ethics 
Theoretically we should like this because learning how ideas come across to other people assists our Ti. This is definitely true, but there is more to it than that. I love the feeling of passion and expressing myself, and when people smile and laugh it makes me feel equally happy. When people give me clear emotional feedback it helps me to shape the way I give my Ti - and for this reason I also think it is 'cute' to see an Fe ego not know how to structure their thoughts. -Dionysus
I tend to be fairly engaging with people I'm comfortable around, but this feeling is quite rare and mostly I just avoid others altogether. Most people know me as a very serious and responsible individual, and are very surprised if they ever observe me around people I'm more comfortable with.
- Xzing
Introverted Sensing 
Being healthy is something in my life that is very important to me, and I have an idea that if I was in physically great shape my Se problems would fade. In fact, now that I think about it I try to solve almost all of my Se problems with Si. In sports, for example, instead of focusing on how to control the territory of lets say, a tennis court, I place far more focus on the feeling of my strokes. I enjoy it when people create a relaxing atmosphere with music, etc. and I derive pleasure from neat surroundings. -Dionysus
I live very ascetically, and very rarely indulge myself. I basically live in my mind, and experiences in reality seem superficial and meaningless, though I secretly desire to find a way to experience pleasure and enjoyment.
- Xzing
Extroverted Logic 
I have this idea that this is something that I am very good at, but it is extremely boring to try and use it. Occasionally this over-assumption will throw me off - not because I lacked an understanding, but because I didn't bother to pay attention to it in the first place. This ignoring function is literally ignored in day to day life, but if it has to do with something that is important to me I will generally find out the best ways to do it productively and efficiently. I know how to manage money well but I do this primarily by not buying too many things and saving what I have. When I am reading I can sometimes forget a lot of the specific details and only remember the generalities - and I take this too far oftentimes. I am sure that this is something that isn't fully type related though. -Dionysus
I have often been praised for my ability to plan and organize things, address details, see the shortest path to accomplish a goal and make it happen, etc. However, I derive absolutely no joy from doing these things, and see them mostly as things that get in the way of creative expression and exploration of ideas.
- Xzing
Introverted Intuition 
I can forecast my life and events pretty well, and sometimes I do this negatively. This is really something that I only like to do in private though. If I am negatively forecasting my life I will forcefully remind myself of the good properties that I possess (Ne). For example, if I start to think that I will inevitably end up with a 9-5 job like the rest of society and dwindle into unhappiness because I didn't achieve my goals, I will stop and say, "No, look at these talents and ambition I have, that won't happen." Or if I have to predict the outcome of let's say, a tennis match, and it seems more likely that my friend will lose I might start telling myself, "No, he has all of these good things X, Y, and Z about his game and if he can pull them out he should be able to win." I also think that people who take "symbolism" or "mysticism" seriously are somehow inferior - if compared to having a rational explanation. For example, although I do think that mystics can be wise (especially Hindu philosophy), it is the parts that are able to be rationally discussed and understood which are the true gold. When it comes to discussions, the classical description of viewing this function as a "game" is pretty accurate. -Dionysus
Conversely, I find "symbolism" and "mysticism" fascinating, and I've incorporated them quite thoroughly into my Weltanschauung. :-P I wouldn't claim to believe in the supernatural, but I've found that certain concepts can only be adequately expressed through symbolism (breaking them up into small, rational statements of fact invariably diminishes them), and that the way mystics approach reality can be quite insightful. I have an extremely active imagination too.
- Xzing
How to identify an LII
I identify pretty well with the visual description on - specifically these parts: "Secondly their facial expression is often accepted as emotionless and severe. Their face is usually pale or bloodless. Males often have a short haircut. In many cases INTjs are slim. Their stomach is usually placed ahead of the chest giving them their characteristic posture. Their gait is somewhat unsure, wavering slightly. Sometimes it seems like they are not sure where they are going. This becomes more obvious in moments of excitement. Their clothes are not usually very striking. INTjs do not like to attract excessive attention to themselves and most of the time they stick to simple clothes, often wearing the same style and composition for a long time. INTjs behave in a very self-restrained manner with strangers, never showing initiative first and always maintaining a long psychological distance." And I identify with the male portrait from this website in these parts: "Lean, and slightly round-shouldered, Male LIIs produce a pleasant impression. Men of this type frequently have large blue eyes, and a pale face, as well as short hair." (I hope I produce a pleasant impression!) -Dionysus
Ask them. If they rush off to learn what it is, and you don't see them again for a few months, chances are they were an LII. - Xzing
Notable LIIs
Ludwig Wittgenstein [1]
Maximilien Robespierre [2]
Rene Descartes [3]
Immanuel Kant [4]
Lawrence M. Krauss [5]
Thomas Jefferson [6]
Maxwell Planck [7]
Jude Law [8]
Victor Gulenko [[9]]
James Clerk Maxwell [10]
Kurt Godel [11]
LII type descriptions
Note: This is primarily for describing what you think about the type and not the experiences you have while interacting with them.
Relationship Experiences
What experiences have you had interacting with the other types? Tell the good and the bad, as well as why you think that happened.
Mirror - ILE
Activation - SEI
Duality - ESE
Looking back I realized that I blew one chance of romantic duality with an extremely attractive female. (This was before I knew about Socionics). I figured that she wouldn't appreciate my true self, and I kind of ran away... :( -Dionysus
Identity - LII
Semi-Duality - EIE
Kindred / Comparative / Congenerity - LSI
Supervisee - SLE
Beneficiary - IEI
Contrary / Extinguishment - LIE
Super-Ego - ESI
Conflict - SEE
Quasi-Identity - ILI
Supervision - IEE
Benefactor - SLI
Mirage / Illusionary - LSE
Business / Look-a-Like / Cooperation - EII
Jungian Dichotomies
What are your experiences and what do you value about each of the Jungian Dichotomies? What do you admire/get annoyed by other types with different/similar dichotomies?
Rationality and irrationality
Extraversion and introversion
Sensing and intuition
Ethics and logic
Reinin Dichotomies
Do you believe that Reinin dichotomies are useful?
What do you think of the validity and application of subtypes? Do you have a subtype?
I personally identify much more strongly with the descriptions of the Producing subtype. But in general I view the concept of subtypes pretty generically. I mean, one could identify any dichotomy and name it a subtype. You could have subtypes based on gender, culture, religion, or whatever have you, and each subtype would produce tendencies and collections of attributes unique from the others. Even the core socionics elements could be viewed as subtypes. If, for example, you identify Introversion and Extraversion as a base dichotomy, Sensing and Intuition could then be viewed as subtypes, or vice versa. It's all just a way of categorizing things into groups and subgroups, and deriving inferences through the analysis of those groups. Sorry if I'm a Socionics blasphemer...
Have you ever been in an environment dominated by a particular quadra? What are your experiences in interaction with types from the quadras?
Alpha Quadra
Beta Quadra
Gamma Quadra
Delta Quadra
What are your experiences in interacting with the members of the different clubs?
Comment on the similarities you see between types of the same temperament.
They are a lot of fun, but I wouldn't want to have to share an apartment with them. Sometimes I wonder if I am missing out on some things in life that an EP would experience because they seem to always be doing something. Unfortunately, I unintentionally insult ENFps (though I've recognized this after learning socionics), cannot get along well with ESFps, ESTps are irritating to be around, and so the only EPs that I really get along with consitently are ENTPs. I don't like to be with EPs if I have to work (except for the process of making and starting ideas) - but they are a lot of fun to be around if my only aim is fun. -Dionysus
Romance styles
Have you been in romantic relationships with types that had a certain romance style? What was it like?
"Have you been in romantic relationships?" Haha, no. - Xzing