Wikisocion LIE composite
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- See also LIE profiles
- See also LIE domain
- See also LIE observations
- See also LIE subtypes
Logical Intuitive Extratim, LIE,
, ENTj, PT, Enterpriser, Pioneer, or archetype Jack London.
Ego Block
LIEs have blocked with
in their ego. That means that they are focused on the accuracy and usefulness of information and actions in a long-term perspective. They rarely think about the expedience of an action in the present without having longer-term consequences in their minds, and their view of reality is shaped by an understanding of the outside world making sense in terms of concrete results. If a decision or statement by a LIE seems to make no sense or lead to lack of comfort in the short term, the reason is that they're already thinking of longer-term gains. The LIEs always have one eye focused on the future to decide their actions.
Extraverted Logic
LIEs naturally accumulate knowledge as per factual information from books and other second-hand sources in matters they find useful, either because it's their professional field, or something they find interesting and of potential use in the future. In order to function at optimal level, they feel the need to know how their external environment works, in order to make sense of it and control it, or be one step ahead of it. That means, for instance, a need to have at least a basic general understanding of the broader workings of any structure they are in (as a country, company, or organization) rather than just carry out whatever specific task they have been assigned. That gives LIEs a basic confidence on being well-informed in the subjects they decided to be informed about. That, coupled with an inclination to correct any errors in their environment (so that it makes sense and is efficient), leads to a behavior that can be described as "know-it-all", that is, voicing their knowledge and correcting erroneous remarks made by others, often seen as arrogance on the part of LIEs.
LIEs evaluate external reality - work activities, world events, finances, procedures, personal relationships, conversations - from the point of view of factual accuracy and "making sense" and efficiency. It leads to an inclination to be proactive in increasing the efficiency and reasonableness of the external world, as well as a sense of self-worth connected to being involved and productive in activities seen as useful, profitable, or that increase one's knowledge base. To give out information that they know not to be factually accurate is disturbing to LIEs and avoided as much as possible. The LIE's ideal world of communication is one of blatant factual truth, no compromise made for goals to be achieved or for possible hurt feelings.
To say "no, that's not correct" or "that's not true" to correct others' statements, volunteering knowledge in order to correct them; and saying "this way of doing things is inefficient, let's improve it"; generally offering information that can be applied to productive purposes - these are marks of the LIE's drives. Not to be able to act on them has a negative effect on their sense of usefulness and self-worth.
LIEs's preferred mode of action - when they feel at their best - is when able to be very active, and proactive, in ways they find to be useful, productive, logical, and profitable in the longer term. Conversely, periods where they are not sure of the actions to take tend to lead them into paralysis and depression.
Introverted Intuition
Whenever occupied with a task, LIEs are already thinking ahead. Their attention tends to be less focused on their immediate surroundings and the specific details of an activity, than on their longer-term implications, consequences, and usefulness. More present-focused people may see that as laziness: they are not really dedicated to doing something immediately because they are already realizing that it may be pointless in the longer term, so why even do it. They very easily focus their minds in following sequential cause-and-effect scenarios and on their personal senses of vision, but always in the service of actions towards achieving their goals, specifically as to the optimal timing for taking specific actions. The other side of the coin is an inclination to think too much of the consequences and of timing of decisions, rather than actually act on them, although to a lesser extent than in the case of dominants. Similarly, LIEs are concerned with covering all possible long-term outcomes, and will often make a suggestion to do something "just in case". This sometimes leads them to do what is useful only theoretically, and not actually.
Super-Ego Block
With blocked with
in the super-ego, LIEs tend to give low priority to immediate physical comfort and emotional well-being; a "cozy atmosphere" or making an effort to make themselves or their environment "look nice" are not spontaneous priorities for LIEs.
Extraverted Ethics
LIEs make an effort to adapt to the prevailing emotional atmosphere, especially in group situations, and try to promote a positive emotional environment, as in making positive or witty remarks, in the presence of individuals they are already somewhat acquainted with and appreciate; or in purely professional meetings or short-lived social encounters, they are aware of the need to put up a friendly and polite facade. Such efforts, however, are normally low-key and of short duration; it is difficult for them to display emotions more complex or intense with any enthusiasm. They are essentially unable to participate in a group atmosphere where intense emotional expression, as in loud laughing and mutual jokes, are prevailing, for any extended period of time. LIEs make an effort to be aware of the need not to disrupt the prevailing emotional atmosphere, but they do not succeed for any length of time if that would clash with their inner emotional state and private feelings about the other persons present. A typical example is the person who, in a group of people exchanging pleasantries and casual conversation, will occasionally correct erroneous statements made by others, in a way that can be perceived as annoying, despite otherwise making an effort to abide by the prevailing emotional atmosphere.
LIEs are aware of the need for polite conversation and small talk; however, they inevitably, usually without noticing, end up turning the "small talk" into an exchange of information on serious topics. LIEs have extreme difficulty with the concept of conversation just for the sake of conversation where the factual accuracy of statements exchanged is of lesser importance. A casual remark made by someone else, with the sole purpose of keeping conversation going, may be met by a counter-argument by the LIE, which the person may regard as a sign of emotional hostility, when the sole purpose of the LIE was to comment on that specific remark. LIEs usually must exercise self-discipline to avoid this kind of misunderstandings.
Introverted Sensing
LIEs have the view that aspects are of less importance than others for achieving their goals. They put a low priority on the physical, short-distance, here-and-now in relation to longer-distance and longer-term considerations. A typical manifestation is a lack of concern for small aesthetic details, since a greater focus is given on the opinion that, in the longer term, taking care of them is a never-ending exercise. This is also manifested in a relative lack of awareness of the immediate surroundings, as in noticing where objects may be if they don't have to deal with them particularly, and of their own physical sensations.
LIEs can accept that, for professional or social goals, they may have to take great care of aesthetic details in their immediate environment; but that will always be seen as a concession to others or to convention; they will never evaluate others in that regard and will tend to look down on those who are spontaneously very concerned about such matters.
This also leads to an inclination for postponing daily personal chores, which tend to accumulate and haunt the LIE later.
Super-Id Block
The blocked with
in the super-id leads LIEs to value strong and consistent ethical principles in themselves and others, especially with regard to stable personal relationships. They value personal loyalty and integrity and are unforgiving, even vindictive, towards betrayal; however, they also often lack the certainty and drive to act on those values, needing reassurance and backing from their duals.
Introverted Ethics
LIEs long for close personal relationships where personal and private experiences can be shared easily in an atmosphere of mutual trust, sustained by shared sentiments and ethical beliefs that make external expression of emotions unnecessary. They are inclined to take first steps, but are not confident of their ability to correctly evaluate the existence or status of such a relationship, and therefore are attracted to persons who value clear and unambiguous personal relationships with others and who follow a clear set of ethical principles, which gives them credibility and makes them deserving of trust in the eyes of the LIEs.
LIEs tend not to consider whether people are friends or enemies or whether they feel good will or ill will towards them. Instead, they will be inclined to act right from the start as if the other person were a friend or an enemy based on their prior knowledge of what the person does. This makes it possible to mistake a friend for an enemy and vice versa. Only gradually do LIEs come to recognize what feelings others have for them, and there is always an element of doubt unless others express those feelings verbally and unambiguously and act in a way that clearly matches their stated feelings, over a sufficient period of time. LIEs are easily made insecure about the status of personal relationships and need frequent reassurance that the other person's feelings have not changed.
LIEs are sheepish about expressing their personal feelings about people ("I find you really interesting" or "I like you a lot"), but respond very well to these statements, as if they were unexpected treats. However, they will also consider whether the person's statements make sense or not: LIEs are far more confident evaluating other persons with than with
Extraverted Sensing
LIEs actively pursue their external goals, to the sacrifice of their immediate considerations of comfort, but regularly experience periods of procrastination where they need prodding, a strong push, or forceful support from others to continue onward in the direction they have chosen.
LIEs admire people who do not back off from direct personal confrontations and who stand their ground; they aim at doing that and often succeed, but their stronger focus on means that their resolution in this regard is often weakened by thoughts of the possible negative consequences of such confrontations. Likewise, they admire, and try to emulate, persons who are resolute, even pushy towards others, when pursuing their goals. However, they are put off by persons who are overly aggressive and who seem to prefer to use verbal or physical aggression as a replacement of logical or ethical arguments, rather than as a support for them.
The focus of LIEs on and
means that a strong motivation in their actions is of achievement in the longer term, either of a material or professional nature, most typically financial, over more short-term considerations.
Id Block
With blocked with
in the super-id, LIEs are able to follow the logical exploration of ideas, but it is something they tend to regard as of less importance.
Introverted Logic
LIEs understand easily, but are largely indifferent to, discussions that focus on the internal logic of ideas and systems. They perceive such logical systems as largely worthless to their goals and find them completely uninteresting and unproductive.
LIEs are confident in spotting internal logical contradictions in ideas and arguments proposed by others, and in pointing them out; however, they are more likely to point out how such ideas and arguments do not hold if checked against external evidence. They see the internal consistency of a case as of lesser importance than the accuracy of the facts presented with that case.
Likewise, LIEs are far more likely to make a case by arguing facts that support them, rather than how it fits logically from a system or assumptions.
Extraverted Intuition
LIEs are fairly good at generating all sorts of ideas during conversations on speculative ideas, but they don't take such ideas seriously and view the activity as a sort of entertaining exercise lacking in value. It is more natural for LIEs to apply their imagination and vision specifically to those areas where they are trying to achieve something than to "indulge" in thinking about things that have no relation to those areas of interest.
LIEs can appreciate and enjoy discussions and activities connected to exploring as many hidden potentials and possibilities, and alternative scenarios, as possible in ideas, people and objects; but they tend to regard this as less serious and useful than focusing for a longer time on specific ideas and developments.
Common social roles
- The entrepreneur or speculator who is constantly thinking of how to turn everything into money, yet continues to count pennies and make sacrifices even after he or she has become wealthy.
- The job-hopper or independent contractor who is constantly changing jobs or locations in order to progress or out of a fear of stagnation, to the sacrifice of his personal life, which will be settled "some day".
- The maverick politician or activist who defends positions politically unpalatable to the conventional wisdom of the time, either rising to power when his positions are later seen as correct, or remaining a niche politician with a limited number of followers.
- The know-it-all windbag who has lots of information about many subjects, and helpfully or annoyingly is always ready to share it with those around him, equally ready to correct the erroneous remarks made by anyone else, always with pitiless courtesy.
LIE Dichotomies and Small Groups |
Jungian: Extroverted · Intuitive · Logical · Rational |
Reinin: Dynamic · Yielding · Democratic · Strategic · Emotivist · Carefree · Serious · Decisive · Positivist · Result · Declaring |
Small groups: {{{17}}} · {{{18}}} · {{{19}}} · {{{20}}} · {{{21}}} · Project Groups |
Forms of Thinking: [[Gulenko Cognitive Styles#{{{22}}} | {{{22}}}]] |
Other LIE type descriptions
- Filatova LIE description (translation)
- LIE description (translation)
- Stratievskaya LIE description (translation)
- LIE description