Reinin, Grigoriy

One of the most prominent socionics theorists of St. Petersburg community. Suggested a number of interesting socionic hypotheses, including the Reinin dichotomies. Has been involved with socionics since 1984. Studied and later worked with the author of socionics Aushra Avgustinavichute. Currently spends most of his time attending to other interests that aren't related to socionics. His website in Russian - Studio of Grigoriy Reinin. Reinin self-types as ILE, however, several other socionists agree on ILI.
- In 1968, he graduated from St. Petersburg school no. 289 that specialized in physics and mathematics.
- In 1974 graduated from the Department of Physics and Mechanics of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute majoring in thermal physics and worked 14 years in the field of theoretical thermophysics .
- In 1988, he graduated from the psychology department of the St. Petersburg State University, majoring in engineering psychology.
- From 1989 - 1992, he worked in LGITMIK (Leningrad State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography) in the laboratory of psychology of actors and acting. Taught psychology at the directing department.
- From 1999 to 2005 deputy director of the Institute of Practical Philosophy.
- From 1994 to 2000 the chairman of the editorial board of the journal "Reality and the Subject", journal of the Academy of MAISU (International Academy of Information Communication Management in technology, nature and society).
- Since 2002 editor of the electronic periodical "Open Text".
- Taught courses in "typology of personality" at the State University of Nayanov, Moscow State University Faculty at the deparment of journalism, St. Petersburg Institute of Engineering Economics, St. Petersburg State University of Trade Unions.
- Member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League. Full member of the MAISU and IASC (International Academy of Science and Culture). Foreign member of the American Association of Typology (APT).
Contributions to Socionics
Grigoriy Reinin has met with A. Augusta in 1984 and they immediately started to exchange letters. Reinin developed a theoretical basis for the additional traits, while A. Augusta came up with the "filling" to the remaining ones. All of this was finally documented in a 1987 article where his worked was first mentioned by A. Augusta under the name of "Reinin traits".