ESI by Stratiyevskaya
These types profiles have been complied by Vera Stratievskaya and posted in her blog Socionics from Stratievskaya.
ESI type descriptions main page.
Stratievskaya descriptions | |||||||
Alpha Quadra: | ILE | SEI | ESE | LII | |||
Beta Quadra: | SLE | IEI | EIE | LSI | |||
Gamma Quadra: | SEE | ILI | LIE | ESI | |||
Delta Quadra: | IEE | SLI | LSE | EII |
Ego block
1st Function - Fi
Introverted ethics
The main "program" of ISFj (ESI, "Dreiser") is to reveal all the existing negative ethical qualities and tendencies and to fight for their removal, exclusion, and elimination, to the point of their complete eradication. In light of this, what constitutes acceptable relations for ESI are relations in which he sees the least troubles for himself, his close ones, and his community.
Possibly, it is for this reason that all of ISFj's "commandments" and directives are so categorical, and state primarily and precisely what a person should NOT do.
Representatives of this type realize their natural advantage early on (and do not allow anyone else to dispute it) – their talent to see in any person his or her latent ethical qualities, and potential predispositions to harmful and malicious behaviors. Using this talent as his natural shield, ISFj builds relationships with other persons very carefully, slowly, and observantly. He is very perceptive of how others relate to him and always feels other people's disposition towards himself. The ESI readily notices lies, falsity, and hypocrisy, both in respect to himself and in respect to others. With his characteristic of perfectionism, which reflects his firm ethical stances, the ISFj prefers to maintain relations only with those who completely correspond to his personal criteria. Even if this creates an impression that he places very high demands on people in his environment, the ESI is not capable of lowering them, regardless of who asks him for it.
The ISFj often makes an impression of a person who is constantly guarded, tactful and communicative, but at the same time reserved. The ESI doesn't readily bridge the interpersonal distance with an unfamiliar person. Indeed, the ESI feels much better among familiar "tried and true" people. Only under pressure of present circumstances does the ESI literally force himself to expand his social circle. He feels irritated, when this innate to him attitude is opposed by an alternative one: "Be friendly with everyone from the start - without exceptions!" Such proposals disorient the ESI for they contradict his main ethical orientation, and are thus dangerous for him, since they call on him to ignore his strong qualities and expose his weak sides.
Most frequently, the ISFj builds his relations with other people following two commandments: "Don't do unto others that which you wouldn't wish done to yourself" and "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". That is, if a person hasn't done anything bad to you, you don't have the right to treat him poorly. However, if you suspect that he is capable of malice and poor behavior, then it is your right to distrust him, and moreover, your responsibility to warn others. If this motivation is not taken into account, then it is easy to form an opinion about the ISFj as a gossiper who "loves to judge and nitpick other people". Although representatives of this type with their innate understanding of what is "good" and what is "bad" don't like to gossip, considering it to be a matter unworthy and dangerous, they consider giving personal warnings to be their sacred right and responsibility, which they are always ready to exercise and defend.
Sometimes, due to weakness in intuition and logic, the ISFj himself suffers from the narrowness of his own ethical program. For example, if he is told: "I haven't harmed you in any way - why do you distrust me?", he begins to realize that his behavior contradicts his own principles - i.e. he is preemptively mistreating and "punishing" a person prior to any misdeed. After realizing this, the ESI may act very imprudently – he may allow himself to be honest with a person who has not earned his confidence (which may result in troubles for him in the future).
With an already formed and established opinion the ISFj, as a rule, does not make mistakes. Even if the ESI agrees to forego his first impressions, he does this only to double-check himself. Endowing the ESI with this valuable quality, nature seemingly tried to apologize for the fact that it wasn't as generous with intuition and logic.
The ISFj is often an excellent visual reader and physiognomist. He is exceptionally observant in this sense. Orienting by barely perceptible and only visible to him visual cues, the ESI is able to formulate a precise idea of the character traits and overall nature of a person. Each person who for the first time appears in his field of view, the ESI as if "dissects" by his penetrating "X-ray" gaze, which leaves most of those being subjected to this feeling uncomfortable. The ESI immediately forms an opinion about the ethical qualities of the individual before him. ESI's most accurate and astute insights about the nature and motives of a person arise from such first snap impressions.
The ISFj does not see and cannot even envision himself outside the system of his own ethical values. Advice such as "Be simpler!" – is not for him. The situation of "love triangle" for him is absolutely unacceptable. The thought of cheating on his significant other seems blasphemous, neither will the ESI allow disloyalty with respect to himself**. He also won't permit himself to fight off and lead away a partner of another person. The concept of "sexual freedoms" is permissible for him only in form of erotic fantasies (and even then, not for himself), but in real life, he won't allow this either for himself or for his partner: he is too proud to share his partner with someone else. In his relations, ESI is very thorough and principled.
[**Editor's note: Such notions about ESIs have been largely dispelled on socionics forums where a number of male and female ESIs have admitted to cheating while they were in a relationship with someone else as well as building relations with those whom they knew to be married.]
The ESI is a maximalist – in love and friendship he gives himself completely. He gives everything that he has, and even that which he doesn't have (for example, he may take out a loan to pay for the debts of his friend).
The ESI is touchingly responsive to another's sincere interest in himself. And this is understandable: others often react negatively to his piercing "X-ray" look, and he is always acutely aware of this; in the course of his life he becomes accustomed to such reactions from others. Therefore, when the ESI meets someone with a sincere disposition towards himself, he considers that he should reciprocate. However, if he notes that this person misuses his trust and takes advantage of him, without regret he will part with this person. The ESI remembers evil-doings for a long time and tries to end relations with someone who has caused him grief or trouble. He can sometimes keep up a superficial impression of interaction when in reality this person no longer exists for him.
In his constant initiative "to eradicate all evil on earth", which in states of psychological discomfort often becomes focused on and directed at his nearest and dearest, the ISFj is often too quick to commit "ethical violence". The ESI, like no other type, knows how to "pin to the wall" the subject of his accusation upon the very first offense, not leaving this person even the smallest leeway to justify himself. With this, he often deprives himself of the opportunity to positively develop relations.
ESI loves to "sort out" relations (which is a consequence of his weakness in intuition). In cases of psychological discomfort or protracted crises, he can purposefully start a quarrel and cause distress in order to obtain additional information – to recheck his own observations, and to confirm his suspicions, that others relate to him exactly in the manner that he has suspected.
Distrustful by his nature, ESI is not easily "charmed". No matter how much he loves someone, no matter how much he grows attached, ESI never fully closes his eyes to the deficiencies in a person – for this is a possible source of future troubles. Even if he willingly allows himself to trust someone, he never excludes the possibility that this person may abuse his trust and sincerity, but he understands that mutual honesty is an indispensable condition for friendship. Furthermore, he fears to offend a person with such distrust. He may also feel like he is sufficiently strong and capable to stand his own ground if any complex ethical situation arises (in case if he is the betrayer and his "secrets" are revealed to others).
ESI, in general, sympathizes very little with anyone (for he sees too much). It is sufficiently difficult to earn his trust and make him open up. Even though sometimes he "blabbers" too much and says things that are in excess, he is unaware of this in himself since, as all other sensing types, he unknowingly speaks with maximum concreteness.
In everyday contact, ESI keeps at an extended interpersonal distance almost with everyone in his vicinity. Trying to avoid unpleasant company, he can go on to insulate himself from the "hostile" world, voluntarily locking himself into a "monastery" of his own creation (sometimes for years and even decades).
He is usually not interested in negative opinions of himself, since he always faultlessly knows how others relate to him. Furthermore, ESI does not presuppose any poor behavior in his own respect, since in everything he sees himself following his first "program", ethical decree. Situations where another person attempts to falsely incriminate ESI, and forces him to justify and excuse himself from these "sins", are incomprehensible to him and viewed as terrible; such situations for ESI are completely intolerable and leads to his extreme irritation. He tries to ignore gossip – this is "ethical rubbish", which does not deserve his attention. He grows extremely irritated, when he is forced to listen to negative opinions of himself and considers such behavior to be callous, stupid, and straight up abusive ("Anyone can talk ill!").
ESI prefers to associate only with a small circle of close and trusted friends, but this concerns only his personal interactions, sympathies, and preferences. For him "strangers" are those people who do not evoke trust in him, and in whose company he thus feels psychological discomfort. In view of weak intuition of possibilities and narrowness of life experience, ESI sometimes characteristically divides people into "his own" and "strangers" according to their personal or mental traits. The more terrible is his disappointment when within "his own" familiar circle he discovers "strangers" - people who in actuality relate poorly to him and abuse his trust. Thus, this division of "us" and "them" for ESI undergoes many changes during his lifetime.
ESI does not like it when his friendship is solicited by imposition of force. He is wary of people who try to "unlock" him and get into his inner world with a "master key" (although most frequently he opens up precisely to such a "key"). He doesn't like it when someone else takes initiative in the realm of ethics and personal relationships. Relations between people is the fundamental sphere of his interests and observations - the object of constant reflections and analysis. For this very reason he is so picky in the selection of friends and partners. Only his dual, the Logical-Intuitive Extrovert [LIE], who is subconsciously oriented at analogous ethical positions, corresponds to ESI's ideal of friendship* (and even then, this is not always the case).
[*Editor's Note: This statement is highly generalized and at risk for being misleading; there is no 'one type and one type only' that will always meet an ESI's "ideal friendship", nor is it impossible for other TIMs to successfully meet this ideal. Furthermore, the concept of ideal relationships of any kind is a subject that goes beyond Socionic type and has more to do with the preferences of individual people.]
2nd Function - Se
Extraverted sensing
ESI knows how to subordinate people to his system of ethical and moral values, which comprises the main purpose of his existence. He is not inclined to remain a distant observer and commentator of the moral problems in his society or social group. Instead, he directly participates and takes concrete actions to counter any violations of ethical standards. This trait has earned him the epithet "militant moralist". Representatives of this type consider as their duty to reveal all the "evil" that they detect in their surroundings; to expose public defects, to fight corruption and criminality, and any violations of ethical norms; to actively fight for universal prosperity, for ethical standards, for the restoration of justice and fairness, for the ecology of the environment – this is ESI's first inclination.
Creative volitional sensing of ESI especially vividly manifests in extreme situations – when there is a need for the ESI to protect his own interests and the interests of his system of relations. He won't allow anyone to encroach on his relations and greatly dislikes when someone speaks ill of someone he considers to be a friend or in positive light. He prefers to draw his own conclusions and make up his own judgments regarding other people and does not allow anyone else to impose their views or exert volitional pressure on him; for example, he won't allow anyone to set him against a friend. He is very obstinate and unwillingly changes his opinion about people. For someone who is dear to him, a friend or a loved one, he will go through fire and water and steel pipes, without deliberation and without thinking of present dangers. He guards his relationships and people close to him from outside attacks.
When someone attempts to exert undesirable influence or take unwanted ethical initiative, Dreiser is capable of giving a rebuff of incredible force. Sometimes he has an unpleasant aftertaste after such an incident – he feels that he has responded too harshly, that it was too much, that he overestimated the need for defense and "shot a cannon at a sparrow". But in any case, the last word without fail must remain after him. (Otherwise what kind of a sensing type would he be?)
Sometimes, picking up on hostile attitudes of those around him, ESI goes on defensive even before he is openly "attacked", but in such cases he almost immediately notices his unfairness and feels pangs of conscience; he cannot allow himself to go on offensive first – this contradicts his ethical program.
In case of neutral or formal relations, ESI is polite, disciplined, neat and requires the same from others: one shouldn't irritate others by rough manners, provoking behavior, and untidy appearance.
Dreiser is characterized by exceptional capacity for work, expeditiousness, and diligence in carrying out his work and assignments. The motivation behind all his efforts is dictated by his "program" ethical aspect and can be expressed by a slogan: "Do for others, as you want to be done for yourself." Thus, at work he expends maximum effort. If he is required to give even more, this quickly leads to excessive strain and nervous breakdown, which sharply worsens his work efficiency and productivity, and his relations with his superiors.
He is often demanding and exacting, both of himself and of others, in all aspects of life: friendship, love, business relations, work – in everything he has heightened but equal requirements for himself and for others; responsibility for his words and actions, for expressed feelings, for given promises, for "those whom you have tamed", for quality in work; responsibility before others, before colleagues, relatives, family members... But the greatest responsibility – before himself. Conscientious. If due to circumstances he cannot fulfill an obligation, he will feel distressed. For the same reason, he doesn't like to go into debt or buy anything on credit – he feels worried that he will not be able to return it in time.
At home, ESI tries to maintain cleanliness and order (he considers it inadmissible to "let loose" of domestic matters and thinks of this as irresponsible in relation to other members of the family). Even if he brings some work to finish it at home, first he tries to take care of all domestic chores and matters, and later he will quietly sit down and work. Leaving home, he will tidy it up – it is unpleasant for him to return to a messy apartment. After the departure of guests, within the same evening he will find the energy to wash all the dishes, wipe all the surfaces, put everything in its places. He will thoroughly clean his apartment and only then he will allow himself to rest. He feels irritated by seeing crumbs on the table or spots on the floor, scattered clothing, "piles" on work on a desk. He will put off his most pressing matters to eliminate these "points of irritation", and, if chance presents itself, can strictly reprimand his family members for their irresponsible attitude towards state of their living and working space. Excessive disorder at his home depresses him to such an extent, that can even serve one of the motives for a divorce.
Dreiser is frustrated by any deviations from established by him order. Even such a minor incident as the food which he serves not being consumed in the progression which he planned it – this is already irritating for him. This irritation Dreiser suppresses only in the company of his dual, Jack (LIE) – only he is allowed to somehow disrupt Dreiser's order, and even then, only within reasonable limits. Otherwise, cleaning up the mess and disorganization would take up much of Dreiser's time and energy, which he will estimate as disrespect for his labor, and for which he will immediately "strictly demand and exact" from Jack.)
Dreiser doesn't like to involve strangers into solving his problems – he prefers to manage by his own forces, whatever it costs him. He also does not sympathize with those, who solve their problems at another's expense. Burdening others with one's own problems he considers to be inconsiderate and tactless; in his understanding, this is disrespectful of another's free time, his right for leisure and rest. For the same reason, he tries not to impose his company of anyone, even his closest friends and even if he feels very lonely.
Dreiser hates organized evil and attempts to counter it with united good ("militant virtue"): "... if people who are evil and deceitful are connected and organized, then honest people must do the same" (Leo Tolstoy.)*
- [Translator's note: By some accounts, Tolstoy's type was Beta rational EIE/LSI, "Aristocratic" quadra, hence the talk about uniting all people.]
Dreiser hates the very principle of organized abuse: "How is it possible to unite evil?! – indeed this is monstrous! This means to bring about a catastrophe and to cause many grievances for many people! This needs to be eliminated – evil must be punished!" He has a special dislike for criminal organizations. Representatives of this type are unlikely to get involved in such business. The type of a man, who strives by all truths and untruths to obtain power, and use it to subordinate others to himself, evokes in Dreiser the deepest antipathy and frustration, which he, even within the framework of decency, will not be able to hold in.
Super-ego block
3rd Function - Ti
Introverted logic
The ISFj always desires to make an impression of a reasonable and sober-minded individual. Moreover, the ESI ardently wishes to be such a person and keeps learning how to be like this throughout his life. The ESI tries to check his feelings by reason and to logically analyze all the events and proceedings, but in actuality he poorly manages this. The ESI greatly respects people who can clearly and laconically present his thoughts; he aims for the same but without success.
The ISFj tries to be logical and sequential in stating his arguments. Therefore he thinks them over beforehand and presents them point-by-point: "Firstly, secondly, thirdly...". But already on "fourthly" and "fifthly" he may deviate from topic, and on "sixthly" and "sevenly", he may start to repeat and derive variations of the previous arguments. Encountering a person with logic in their Ego block (especially from the opposite quadra) ESI's "orderly" and "well thought-out" arguments and concepts fall apart upon first contact.
ESI's logic does not endure collisions even with those who have it even in weaker positions – for example, with irrational ethical extroverts, SEE (ESFp) and IEE (ENFp). In conversations with them, the logical sequence of dispute becomes completely neglected, and the conversation constantly turns to sorting out of personal opinions and sentiments. A way out of such situations is for the ESI to see in time the pointlessness of further discussions (which can be achieved only through enormous stress on his block of superego), and, wholly relying on his "volitional sensing", to leave the dispute, taking care to not offend anyone. As a result of such encounters and "disputes", Dreiser's own idea of his own "logical potential" gets corrected and adjusted; he starts paying more attention to it and seeks to develop it even with greater zeal, since does not consider himself to be absolutely hopeless in this respect, although he understands that professions that stress this function are not for him.
Any phenomenon, theory, idea or object of interest, ESI tries to understand in its essence, to deconstruct it and lay it out "on the shelves", to find some regularity within it. He successfully learns only in those areas where there are clear, established, and accessibly presented methods available for him. If the subject is presented chaotically, nonsequentially, with some invented and improvised thematics and a constant change of methods or their complete absence – for Dreiser this is a catastrophe: he cannot follow or learn by such instructions. In such situations, he falls behind on studying the material and becomes greatly upset even despondent over this. With age, Dreisers become more discerning in selection of their "teachers" and methods of education.
Their level of education ESIs strive to increase throughout their life: they try to master several occupations (not necessarily related to each other), in which they try to achieve high professional level and acquire various useful skills. Since the improvement of their skill levels requires theoretical exposure, studying for them is perceived as a natural and constant process in life.
Logical relationships for Dreiser are not as important as ethical ones. Therefore, in the interest of ethics, he can distort some facts, manipulate them, which causes certain complications at the initial stages of his dualization with Jack. Subsequently Jack understands, later on, that one ought not to nitpick the logical errors of Dreiser, ascribes Dreiser's "logical" information to the aspect of ethics, and understands that behind such "logical information" hide only Dreiser's ethical motives. (And Dreiser feels very grateful to Jack for such understanding.)
4th Function - Ne
Extraverted intuition
The ISFj finds it difficult to see the potential development of a situation. The ESI thus exists in a constant apprehensive expectation of troubles, which he sees potentially coming from anywhere and anyone. Many problems are caused by ESI's incapacity to timely foresee and correctly focus on probable dangers, as well as accurately calculate his own strengths, which inevitably leads to stress and overloads, as well as nervous breakdowns and crises during examinations and presentations, due to which the ISFj ends up feeling as a failure. Frequently, if not constantly, the ESI is followed by a sense of hopelessness due to not being able to see any way out.
For the ISFj it is difficult to see what his or her options are, and to accurately estimate probably future results of his present day actions. Thus the ESI can pass by an easy challenge, but at the same time "take a swing" at a very complicated problem. The ESI may do great work, but then decide never show it to others. The ISFj painfully responds to unforeseen disappointments – if a long-awaited holiday or vacation is canceled, or a scheduled meeting is set aside, or a romantic atmosphere that he has created is destroyed – such events he remembers for a long time, trying to not nurture any illusions regarding the future.
There is nothing more terrible for the ISFj than being forced to sit without activity and wait in expectation and idleness in the middle of sheer inconclusiveness and uncertainty. The ESI feels terrible in such situations, a person in true desperation, while other people often form erroneous conclusions that the ESI is panicking over something minor. ESI's anxiety can be easily assuaged by the response of his dual, LIE: "how much is it possible to panic?!!" – the ESI immediately becomes self-composed, mobilizes his will, and there - he is ready for new challenges.
Similar to the LSI, the ESI feels constant stress and tension from any measure of ambiguity existing concerning his position in any system of relations – professional or personal. Thus, sorting out relations for the ISFj is a task that assumes the top priority. To an uncertain "yes" the ISFj always prefers a definitive "no". The ESI dislikes associating with people who are extravagant and unpredictable in their behavior. Finding himself in their company, the ESI quickly begins to feel the danger and needlessness of his presence here, and attempts to leave. (Children of this type in analogous situation feel very sad and depressed, and start crying without any visible reason. Frequently, they hold themselves at some distance from other children, don't enjoy games with unpleasant surprises, and don't like senseless and callous ruses.)
In spite of his ethical insight, the ISFj frequently makes mistakes in selection of friends, advisers, and partners. Frequently the ESI plays the role of ILE "Don Quixote" when it's not appropriate – gives chances and offers help to those who misuse his trust and friendship and respond with evil. If he has no prior experience the ISFj is easily cheated: recruited for an already doomed and failed project, for an adventurous speculative experiment, hired for risky unfavorable work. The ISFj is easily made a scapegoat and frequently becomes a victim of shady transactions and speculations. As a result of this, the ISFj tries to be especially careful in his behavior, words, decisions and relations. However, the more he is careful, the more suspicion and hostility the ESI creates in his environment, and the fewer chances he leaves for himself.
The ISFj experiences terrible awkwardness every time that he or she is forced to answer such questions as: "What can you do?", "What do you know how to do?" And nevertheless the ISFj usually possesses many useful and handy skills, and sometimes attains very high professional level, which is difficult to believe (and which feels inconvenient for him to advertise). The ISFj's desire to realize his abilities is so strong that he tries to improve his skill working in all the accessible and interesting for him spheres. The ESI does not accept the fact that "it is not possible to serve two gods simultaneously". For him it is characteristic "to accrue specialties": if he cannot realize himself in one field, he masters another, but he will also try to retain the skills acquired at previous occupation – who knows when they will come in handy?
The ISFj is never fully content with the results of his or her work. However much the ESI achieves, he still considers that this is negligibly small. Whatever the ESI attains – it seems to him that this is not enough, that his creative potential has not been sufficiently realized. The ESI cannot properly assess his own capabilities and results in any, however beneficial for him, situation.
The ISFj cannot attain success by dishonest methods. To knock out obstacles "with his forehead", to fight for his position as if it was a "bone", to obtain favors "through bed" – all of this is not for him, it is below his merit. The ISFj considers that abilities and talents – are a gift from God, therefore, their realization must be through honest methods and not according to "the law of jungle". In competitions where the winner is already known, the ESI, as a rule, does not participate. He doesn't feel well in conditions of rigged and unhealthy competition. As one ESI remembers: "While waiting for the interview, I felt myself as if waiting for a cup of free soup. All around me were unemployed, unsettled musicians, their eyes vicious, hungry. Performance had to be delivered in front of competitors, and this is extremely difficult – physically I could feel their envy and hostility, for each of them thought this competition is their last chance... "
The ISFj cannot work in the atmosphere of unhealthy competition. The ESI doesn't like it when he is envied. He tries not to evoke any envy in other people (to evoke such low feelings he considers to be unethical); therefore, the ESI is usually too modest in demonstrating his or her achievements. For the same reason, the ESI frequently experiences difficulties in searching for work, for orders, for contracts and arrangements. To profitably "sell" his work and his skills – for ESI is simply is an unattainable task. The ESI dislikes asking for himself – he is too proud, and, furthermore, he considers this to be something demeaning and unfair with respect to others. Sometimes the ESI is sincerely glad that his services and efforts are used for free – at least there is some demand for him, at least he is needed. Thus, it may be incredibly difficult for the ESI to find application of his abilities. He constantly feels like he is not needed – for him this feeling is agonizing; it's almost torture.
Since his own success is often achieved as a result of incredibly hard labor (as is with the LSI "Maxim"), the ISFj often feels irritated and agitated when he sees easy success of others. The ISFj himself does not believe in easy success, and his self-esteem is lowered when he witnesses self-confidence of some lucky riser. The ISFj shies away from discussing successes and failures – for him this is a painful topic. The ESI does not like when someone else's success gets cited for him as an example and perceives this as a criticism in his address.
It has been noted that ISFjs don't like to visit doctors: even if there is some danger to his health, he prefers not to know. He does not like medical examinations and inspections: for him it is unpleasant when his physical weaknesses and flaws are put on display (this is due to subconscious orientation at weak and sensitive sensory functions of his dual, LIE).
Forced need to guard himself from potential troubles, constant self-control, restraint, and self-restriction – all of this for the ISFj eventually transforms into a feeling of incompleteness of life, regrets that everything interesting is passing him by. However, the ISFj can be rescued from this state with the help of his dual, the ENTj. The ENTj can help the ISFj realize his frustrated hopes and dreams. Only he, with his fantasy, his love of life, optimism, healthy adventurism and inexhaustible energy is capable of pulling the ESI out of his captivity of his eternal chimerical fears.
With the aid of his dual, the ISFj ceases to perceive his own uselessness and insipidness in this world. The LIE offers the ESI a way out of a dead end and towards fresh air and bright colors of life. In his dual, the ESI finally finds the desired ideal of friendship and love. LIE is the only one for whom the ESI feels boundless trust and whose devotion he does not doubt (and won't allow others to doubt).
Super-id block
5th Function - Te
Extraverted logic
Dreiser greatly respects people with overtly expressed logical (in his understanding) qualities: honest workers, capable professionals, those who can improve and rationalize efforts and effectiveness of work.
Subconsciously, Dreiser is oriented at logic of actions of Jack (LIE); therefore he often notices and condemns methods of operation that are not beneficial and ineffective. Just like Jack, Dreiser considers that any logical, operational, or business problems must be solved "at their root" and not with some haphazard half-measures. However, due to the fact that this aspect is in the most passive mental function of Dreiser, he finds it difficult to undertake anything in this area independently - here, he needs the help of his dual.
With the aid of Jack, Dreiser can realize himself in action, find for himself a worthy use, an occupation that corresponds to his abilities. In Jack he finds the defender of his objective interests.
Dreiser is very capable for work. He knows how to work effectively and with focus. He rapidly learns new skills, masters different specialties. He knows how to fully immerse himself in work and achieve full results. It is very important for Dreiser that his occupation would correspond to his creative and intellectual potential, that he would have opportunities for professional growth and improvement of his qualification. Work must be done for both the mind and the soul, simultaneously. If his current occupations does not realize his potential, he changes professions.
Attempting to independently solve his problems, Dreiser frequently commits a mistake of substituting the aspect of "logic of actions" with the aspect of "business relations", which, as he thinks, need to be deeply ethical.
Thus, getting used to a new workplace, he tries to ask questions and seek help of his supervisor as little as possible. This is explained by the fact that Dreiser is subconsciously predisposed to the objective logic of LIE, who does not like when he is bothered every minute for with requests for detailed explanations and his help, and greatly values in his colleagues the ability to make out things independently.
Dreiser also feels that it would be inconvenient and improper to distract others from their work; therefore he tries to manage with his own forces, by which he often creates an impression a "very proud" person.
In view of excessive sensitivity (and weak intuition) Dreiser finds it difficult to independently run his own business - it is difficult for him to assign and "keep to" his own prices, to manage relations when the benefit of one side turns into a loss for another. He tries to avoid such partnerships.
For the same reason he prefers not to negotiate pricing - considers this humiliating and for himself and for the salesman: the salesman probably simply cannot sell any cheaper, therefore he has assigned this price and thus it is necessary to pay this much. ESI can refuse to buy on a substantially lowered price, because this means that the previous price was clearly too high, which means that the salesman is generally a bad person and does not deserve to be conducted business with.
Dreiser also finds it difficult to request higher salary: he considers that the employer should himself accurately value his labor and assign a worthy pay, however, if this does not occur, it means that either the employer is a hopelessly miserly person or that the company is going down. In any event, it is necessary to search for another place, which is what ESI does.
Matters of business are not a strong suit of Dreiser. His entire life he relies on a rather primitive collection of stereotypical solutions: if he cannot find work - he needs to conserve, if he cannot do something himself - he needs to hire a specialist, if there is no money to pay for his services - it is necessary to tighten his belt, endure through the inconveniences and save money.
Dreisers do not readily and naturally grasp business matters. Pragmatism is seen by them as something unethical, opposing of their main program in life. (For the same reason they find it sufficiently difficult to sympathize with their duals, Jacks, at the initial stage of relations or in the cases of opposing business interests - here they they feel themselves small fish before a large shark).
For Dreiser, it is necessary to be constantly receiving information on the aspect of Te. For ESI it is imperative to obtain clear and non-contradictory for his ethical program answers to questions such as "What to do?" and "How to do it?". And only his dual, LIE, can provide him with the direction and explanations in the form which will completely satisfy him. (Because subconsciously, as it was already mentioned, Dreiser is oriented at the logic of Jack, at his "alternative pragmatism".)
Problems of Dreiser of objective and pragmatic nature get resolved only when he is "on the same team" with his dual, LIE. However, if he finds himself on opposite side of his dual, "on the different side of barricades", needing to compete or resolve opposition of interests - failure in such situations is guaranteed.
It should be noted that other Te-ego types do not resolve the problems of Dreiser, but only further aggravate them.
6th Function - Ni
Introverted intuition
Time is an aspect which Dreiser would like to ignore, for it is the enemy of sensing. Lack of time prevents him from attaining high quality in work. Time steals and dissipates his forces, beauty, youth, possibilities (especially painful theme!). Time brings some changes, which are not always pleasant, but for which it is necessary to adapt in some unfamiliar and unknown ways, but this again requires time.
Dreiser prefers to work slowly and take care of all the details, however, if this is necessary for someone he can work very energetically and intensively, completing several tasks simultaneously, without resting, and readily switching from one task to another.
Best method to mobilize Dreiser is to give him a specific time frame. Depending on how much time he was allotted, Dreiser will plan the volume of work and how much effort and time he can spent on working on the minor, less important parts. Therefore, for him it is always important to know how much time he can count on, at the same time attempting to account for unforeseen time expenditures.
In high tempo, fully filled and saturated with activities schedule, Dreiser feels his necessity and usefulness. It is best when his "rate" is assigned and distributed by his dual - only he can do this while also taking into account Dreiser's problematic intuition, which leads him to either underestimate or overestimate the pace of his work.
Following advice of Jack, Dreiser evaluates the appropriateness and urgency of the assigned work, adjusts himself to the saturated working rhythm of his dual and to the "temporary voids" when his dual forced to unemployment, filling this time with his own matters which he put aside long time ago.
Dreiser cannot tolerate unproductive expenditures of time - he does not like to wait and doesn't like making other wait either, therefore he strives to be punctual. This punctuality for him is attained at a price of overexpenditure of time (consequence of weak intuition) - for example, he finds it difficult to calculate the quantity of time needed for travel while taking into account different unexpected transport contingencies.
Dreiser does not like to spend time on the unplanned social contact (e.g. unexpected arrivals, prolonged stay of the guests) - this is another reason, for which Dreiser limits the number of his acquaintances.
Dreiser values his time, since this not only valuable for his dyad, but also a value for his quadra - tendency to do as much as possible, striving to realize his full potential. This makes time factor for Dreiser especially significant.
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7th Function - Fe
Extraverted ethics
Striving to avoid unpleasant relations, ESI first of all focuses on his observations of negative emotions. Positive emotions for him as less interesting to take a note of; often ESI either disbelieves them or doesn't fully accept them.
ESI becomes aware of the emotional state of every person in his vicinity, but he is interested only in those emotions that concern him own relationships (and in this he is different from the EII who displays a broader concern). Intrigue and gossip, sorting out of relations of his social group are of little interest to the ESI unless they have a direct and personal relation to his own person. If they somehow touch him, only then does he get involved. At all other times, ESI is indifferent who is sending subtle "winks" to whom (this is already obvious to him). The main point of consideration for him is how will this influence him and people close to him.
For example being an outside observer of some kind of scandal in a public place for him is unpleasant and uninteresting. Another matter, when he becomes an involuntary participant ... Possibly, ESIs therefore, sometimes unexpectedly for themselves, get pulled into such scandals.
ESI feels the pain and suffering of other people, but he dislikes providing comfort and consolation. He fears that expressions of sympathy may once again remind the person of his pain, and thus will make him live through the memories all over again. In his opinion, all painful and uncomfortable feelings must be left in the past as soon as possible, and not emphasized or renewed. Even more so he doesn't like expressing sympathies and condolences, but he often makes himself do it following social and ethical norms. The same applies to expressions of gratitude: if there is nothing to be grateful for, but the norms of decency require it, ESI will make an effort to do this. ESI tries to help out with deeds instead. He considers that sympathy that is not backed up with concrete service, is unconvincing and can be perceived as false.
ESI's sincere gratitude is very valuable. This is because he considers good acts to be a standard of ethical behavior, and bad acts - a deviation from this standard. Therefore he remembers bad behavior, as a deviation from what he has expected. Meanwhile he considers good actions as a given, in matter of fact way, due to which he may not express gratitude for them (and thus seem as an ungrateful person).
Under the influence of his sincere attachments, ESI is readily to sacrifice his own interests. In love and in friendship he is capable of complete emotional devotion and dedication; otherwise he would not be able to persuade such an easily wounded and unsure in display of his own feelings partner as is his dual LIE. (Though sometimes LIE needs to extinguish the surplus of ESI's passions, especially if this is interfering with his work.) Partners of other types are not as inspired by such devout and fiery emotionality of ESI; sometimes it even scares them because it is incongruent with this external inaccessibility and coolness.
ESI's feelings remain under his own discretion. He does not allow anyone else to regulate their forcefulness and strength: all that he feels - all of it is him, and if someone doesn't like it he may look for another partner. ESI does not engage in emotional adaptation or "serving" to the other people (and in this he is also different from the EII). He does not understand how it is possible to adjust oneself to the feelings of one's partner - for ESI this feels insincere and hypocritical.
ESI's mood can automatically change depending on the moods of those around him; that is, his moods and spirits may be lifted or lowered by external influences. He himself does not generate the mood (this function is taken on by his emotivist dual LIE).
ESI does not easily fall for outright flattery and cheap compliments. ESI himself rarely flatters others or bestows blandishments. Gives compliments only when he is sincerely inspired or captivated by something or someone. In ESI's understanding, giving compliments is a form of flattery, and he fears that his amazement may be perceived as fake or false. While he always mentally notices the merits and qualities of others, he rarely dares to express such observations openly.
ESI is rather restrained in expression of his sympathies. He fears to openly and demonstratively signal about his emotions and sincere attachments. He never expresses more than what he sincerely feels, but may underexpress it. Although at the same time ESI is very frank and straightforward in expressing his antipathies and dislikes, sometimes downright being tactless and rude to others, but he considers this to be permissible.
8th Function - Si
Introverted sensing
In artwork and paintings ESI dislikes bright, garish, and provoking color combinations. He prefers a combination of simple, natural beauty, convenience and functionality. Most often he does not allow room for much extravagance or eccentricity and does not abuse decorative additions. In clothing he picks combinations that show simplicity and refinement. He tries not to attract too much attention to what he is wearing - prefers that others would rather look at his face. Clothing for him is only a frame for his own personal beauty. In interior design, he prefers arrangements that are uncluttered and not overloaded; dislikes "sweetness" and "sugariness" in decorative additions.
In culinary undertakings, ESI strives for refinement of taste with minimum expenditures of time, resources, and ingredients. ESIs know how to arrange receptions of highest quality, at the same time trying to create maximum sensory comfort. ESI usually doesn't think about why he tries to serve food in such form that makes it easy for consumption (without bones, rind, pits, or pieces of pepper). In reality, this is explained by his subconscious orientation at his dual LIE, who may be too distracted to notice such things; for example, he may be eating while he is working at his computer or reading a newspaper and therefore not paying attention to what he is consuming.
The purpose of ESI's sensing function is precisely to create conditions that are comfortable, convenient, healthy and pleasant for his partner and to shield him from unpleasant sensing experiences. In dual pair ESI-LIE, sensory accord is not an end goal of itself but it is an indispensable condition of ethical harmony and a guarantee of amicable interaction. ESIs are naturally endowed by a subconsious ability to very accurately coordinate their sensory experiences relative to experiences of their partner. This quality is much valued by their dual and brings them both much contentment. The point of ESI's demonstrative sensing function is directly related to creation and maintenance of good living conditions for people who are close to him.
ESI knows how to arrange his living quarters and create cleanliness and comfort by simple means. Before going to work, he may spend a few minutes to clean up such that he won't have to do it when he returns back later.
Doing his work, ESI is always thinking about how it will be received and evaluated. ESI will "zoom in" and try to work out the more minor parts because he anticipates that someone might evaluate his work up close and then notice all these defects. The examiner should not be startled simply because he decided to take a closer look. ESI's handiwork is therefore distinguished by refinement and completeness in detail. With such work, he is more inclined towards creative detalization work rather than monumentality. Similarly to the LSI, ESI finds it easier to work when someone orders some particular theme from him. If he feels that his production is needed by someone else, this activates and inspire ESI to work.
ESI frequently develops in himself many artistic and musical talents, thanks for which he is not bored spending time alone or in private with his dual. ESI often see for himself the possibility to achieve deserved success by hard work in artistic work and craftsmanship. Appreciation of his skills is very important to him; thus he often shows his artwork only to a small circle of people. Most of all he is happy to delight his partner by his skills and his creations.
A typical "crystal dream" for young ESIs may be a Barbi doll living in a comfortable house, together with her "prince". Some of their artwork recreate this dream.